- Coupaプラットフォームの基本的な設定知識を身につける
- インテグレーションの知識を身につける
- 導入のベストプラクティスを身につける
- 必須データとそのソースを知ることで、Coupa Coreのシステム自体の理解とどのようなカスタマイゼーションが可能かを理解すること
- お客様のシステム管理者が設定できるCoupaの機能とベストプラクティスを理解すること
- ユーザーに適切な権限を付与できるように、ユーザープロフィールの設定方法と適切なアクセス権限設定を理解すること
- テクニカルアーキテクトの基本的な役割を理解すること
- フラットファイル連携とAPI連携について実践的な理解をすること
- API連携のユースケースと、テクニカルアーキテクトがプロジェクトの設定で必要になる情報を詳細に理解すること
- プロジェクト体制と主要なプロジェクト成果物を理解すること
- 導入プロジェクトとプロジェクト体制が動き出すまでのステップを理解すること
- ソリューション設計について、そのプロセスと導入プロジェクトへの適用方法を理解すること
- ソリューションの検証と定着、稼働後の体制への円滑な移行の方法について理解すること
Privacy Policy
Coupa is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. In this privacy policy ("Privacy Policy"), we explain how Coupa collects, uses, discloses and protects the Personal Information you submit to us, including, for example, when accessing and using Coupa websites or applying for job offerings.
Our Privacy Policy has been drafted to comply with applicable data privacy laws, in particular, the GDPR. If the GDPR or another Applicable Data Privacy Law does not apply to you, not all terms of this Privacy Policy may be relevant to you. To learn more about our approach to GDPR compliance, please click here.
Terms and Conditions for Purchased Training
Training purchased in this Learning Management System (“LMS”) shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Master Subscription Agreement, or equivalent agreement, between Coupa Software, Inc. or its Affiliates (“Coupa”) and Customer, or, if no such agreement exists, Coupa’s Master Subscription Agreement, located at shall apply. Additional terms and conditions for training services offered hereunder are detailed at:
Travel and business expenses incurred by attendees associated with the above trainings are the responsibility of Customer and are not included in the fees listed in the LMS.
If full payment is declined or otherwise not received by the class date, a late payment penalty of 2% of the amount past dues will be assessed. Coupa shall invoice Customer any unpaid balance on the last day of the class (“Training End Date”) and Customer shall pay the invoice in accordance with the payment terms provided. All payment obligations are non-cancellable and all amounts paid are non-refundable.
Coupa reserves the right to cancel the class at any time due to lack of minimum attendance, in which case, Coupa shall issue a redemption code good for a future session of the same training.
Attendees are responsible for any taxes required by the country or municipality where they attend training, and may be billed separately by Coupa if unpaid by the Training End Date.
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